Festival Branch of Samaritans

Festival Branch of Samaritans

About us

We're a Branch of Samaritans like any other, except that we don't have a building and we don't have a telephone! Instead, we go to events throughout Britain and provide a 24 hour Samaritan service. The events are predominantly out-door music festivals like Glastonbury or Reading, but also various biker, dance, surf, multicultural, lesbian/gay, homeless events, and others.

If you're at an event and feel you need to talk something through with a non-judgmental person, in complete confidence, please come by and see us. If it's an outdoor event we will often be standing outside a large tent with a big green SAMARITANS banner.

Samaritans is a registered charity based in the UK and Republic of Ireland that provides confidential emotional support to any person who is suicidal or despairing; and increases public awareness of issues around suicide and depression.

Charity number: 219432

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