Newport and Gwent Samaritans

"Walking the Walk", "Talking the Talk" - all the way to Everest Base Camp

Walking the Walk, whilst Talking the Talk

Walking the Walk, whilst Talking the Talk

My Story

'We' are Chris, Kailey, Sharon and Berni and we are all Listening Volunteers at Newport and Gwent Samaritans.

In 2023, the 90+ volunteers in our branch answered the phone to 000s of callers.  It costs approx £5 for us to take each call.

Some callers will contact us when they consider suicide as the only option for them; some because they are low, anxious, frightened, at risk, lonely and for many other reasons.  

We provide a confidential, non-judgemental listening service to enable our callers (and those who contact us via email) to talk through what is going on for them and to consider all the options that are available to them.  For some callers, just speaking out loud what is troubling them can be enough to improve their emotional health.

So, our intrepid 4 are paying their own fares to take on this challenge, but wanting to raise awareness of the Samaritans and raise enough money along the way to keep the Branch running and answer 000s of calls again in 2024.

Please support us in whatever way that you can.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

'We' are Chris, Kailey, Sharon and Berni and we are all Listening Volunteers at Newport and Gwent Samaritans.

In 2023, the 90+ volunteers in our branch answered the phone to 000s of callers.  It costs approx £5 for us to take each call.

Some callers will contact us when they consider suicide as the only option for them; some because they are low, anxious, frightened, at risk, lonely and for many other reasons.  

We provide a confidential, non-judgemental listening service to enable our callers (and those who contact us via email) to talk through what is going on for them and to consider all the options that are available to them.  For some callers, just speaking out loud what is troubling them can be enough to improve their emotional health.

So, our intrepid 4 are paying their own fares to take on this challenge, but wanting to raise awareness of the Samaritans and raise enough money along the way to keep the Branch running and answer 000s of calls again in 2024.

Please support us in whatever way that you can.